Interceptors aren't handled as well in EU, but I'm still not entirely sure how they function in the new game, so I'll withhold judgment. In reality, the player simply had to put out more fires in the original- and handle dozens more units, and watch as they each shuffled slowly across the maps. In the original, failing to respond to a terror mission was not a "choice" - it was suicide for that country. No, I actually said the opposite: More choices do not necessarily mean more depth. It give you OBVIOUS and difficult choices ? Sure, agreed. Just don't understand what makes you think the new EU give you "more choices". What game offer you more choices ? And did I make something up in my simulation ? You say "more choices" mean more "tactical depth". Or even more tactical choices, if you only have 2 squadron that are capable enough you can do the abduction and terror mission, while having you Interceptor aecure the airspace above the landing UFO to prevent them from up and escaping and then after one of the two mission complete you can think about going to the UFO landing. Do the mission in country that are indanger of withdrawing. Do the UFO landing for the materials and perfect condition UFO Source you need. Only do the easy mission if you don't think you can. Old - You can do all of 3 if you think you are strong enough. Because that would make people to think too much it hurt their braincells. 3 different locations require your attention.

Only do 1 of them.Īnother more in-depth situation. The same situation arise in both the old XCOM and new XCOM. And let me explain what this game limit the player with their stupid "3 choices".