
One on one spirit
One on one spirit

one on one spirit

They love the practice of witchcraft through visualization and positive confession instead of praying as Jesus taught because it gives them a sense of power. They adore the teaching that godliness is monetary gain and worldly pleasure. They gravitate to a false gospel that offers an easy way to avoid hell by merely tacking Jesus on to their lives. These carnal people crave a pseudo “Christianity” that offers the best of both worlds-in other words, they want to get to heaven, but they refuse to pay the price. It makes them feel like a “somebody,” whereas Christ taught that His followers must deny self and become a servant of all if they were to be great in God’s kingdom. They are attracted to the new wave because it appeals to their self-serving and self-exalting agendas. These are the people who cannot endure sound doctrine, and who deliberately scoff at the foundations of real Christianity as established by Christ and the early apostles. The third type found within the apostate church make up the majority.

one on one spirit

Try as you might, you cannot get this individual to face the fact that their pride has set them up for failure in their spiritual life and relationship with God. Add to this some sort of extra-biblical “spiritual experience” they may have had in one of the “hyper faith” false “Christian” churches of today and you have a self-righteous, stiff-necked, un-teachable, indoctrinated, and brainwashed idolater. Instead of practicing the lowliness, meekness, and love that the Apostle Paul wrote about in Ephesians 4, they consider themselves superior to others. It causes them to operate in the flesh and to gravitate to those churches or groups of people who tickle their ears and feed their flesh.

one on one spirit

Pride prevents a person from being able to test the spirit behind people and doctrines. Knowing Jesus as the truth is overruled by their pride which sets them up for destruction. The bottom line is, most religious people today have an extremely high opinion of themselves and of what they think they know.

One on one spirit